Home - Free Digital Magazine of Flames of War, DBM, DBA, Field of Glory, napoleonics, etc., with articles of History, rules, painting and modelism
All magazines are in spanish

¿Wanna help us?

The group that makes possible the Times of War is composed of several persons responsible for the coordination, writing and layout of the magazine. If you want to work with the magazine and help us improve the quality and content send an e-mail to info (arroba) wargames-spain.com

¿How could you help us?

If you wish colaborate with us, please, send your history articles (any period: antiquity, middle-aged, contemporary, XXI century...), modeling (scenerios, painting guides...), rules, tactics and reviews Wargames, pictures of your figures to accompany articles of the magazine, and other suits your fancy, we would like to cover anything that might be interesting to wargamers, so if you have any interesting idea, contact us.

Note: we'd like to publish an english version of the ezine. We need people interested in help us to translate the magazine. It's easy, we can translate the articles with Google Translator, but someone (native english guy would be ok) should fix all errors. NOWADAYS IS ONLY IN SPANISH.

The e-zine is a project emerged in a community which only aim is to offer a platform of communication to the users and exchange of knowledge to bring over of a hobby jointly, the wargames. We work altruístamente to promote, to increase and to improve the interest of our hobby, for this reason, we do not obtain any economic benefit with the electronic magazine. All the collaborators we have decided to invert voluntarily our time to create it. The most satisfactory thing, and one of the principal reasons for which we continue being employed at the project, it are the samples of support and gratefulness of the users who enjoy the magazine.

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Free e-zine created by www.wargames-spain.com

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